EU ABS Networking Event (June 14, 2021)
On Monday, June 14, 2021 from 14.00-16:00 CEST, the German Nagoya Protocol HuB will be co-hosting an online EU ABS Networking Event together with the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, the Union for Ethical Biotrade, ABS-int, the Dutch ABS National Focal Point (hosted by Wageningen University and Research), and the Natural History Museum London.
Since 2014, actors across the European Union have been hard at work figuring out how best to support users of genetic resources in their sectors or regions with access and benefit sharing (ABS) requirements. The organisers of the networking event would like to take a step back and ask “What has been done? Is it working? What still needs to be done?”
This online event will bring different actors from across the EU together to reflect on “capacity building for users” — gaps and ways forward into the future.
More information on the Nagoya Protocol HuB website.