
Survey on the implementation of the EU ABS Regulation

Published on
July 15, 2019

The European Commission requests applicants for research funds (universities, research institutes, and other users of genetic resources) to fill in a survey. Through the survey, the EC hopes to get a better picture of the level of awareness about the EU ABS Regulation and the implications of the ABS Regulation on the daily practices of researchers.

The survey specifically aims to:

  • gauge the level of awareness among the research funding applicants about the EU ABS Regulation;
  • identify whether research funding applicants are aware of how a due diligence declaration can be submitted;
  • explore whether assistance (and if so, what type of assistance) is provided by the funding institutions during the application process regarding their duties under the ABS regulation, especially article 7(1);
  • gather information about the practical implications of the provisions and implementation of the ABS regulation on research practices;

The survey can be found on the EU survey platform, and will be open until the 15th of September.